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SAbDab: the structural antibody database

Validated Antibody Database

Antibody Related Databases and Software, ARP



abYsis: Integrated Antibody Sequence and Structure—Management, Analysis, and Prediction



The Antibody Society

kabat database
Immunology Database


International Immunogenetic Information System



Antibody Information Database (Chinese)



Antiviral drug design

Pathogenic viruses are a huge threat to human health. Since the beginning of recorded human civilization, hundreds of millions of people have died from viral infections. Smallpox was once a nightmare for a civilized society; the Spanish pandemic in 1918 killed nearly 30 million people; the “Ebola epidemic” in Africa in 2014 caused the world ’s discoloration, and chronic diseases such as HIV The disease virus not only greatly threatens people's health, but also brings many social problems. With the development of medical technology, the mortality rate and epidemic area of malignant pathogenic viruses have greatly decreased, but pathogenic virus infections are still a major threat to human health. Therefore, the research and development of antiviral drugs is extremely urgent and important.

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