Coronavirus HIV Influenza hepatitis B hepatitis C EBV HPV HTLV-1 Virus Database


Overview The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as HIV, is a retrovirus responsible for impairing the human immune system. This virus attacks and gradually destroys the human immune system, leaving the host unprotected upon infection. Those who become infected with HIV and eventually die often succumb to secondary infections or cancers. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) represents the final stage of an HIV infection.

Morphological Structure The Human Immunodeficiency Virus has a diameter of approximately 80-140 nanometers, appearing round or oval-shaped. The virus has a lipid envelope derived from the host cell, embedded with the viral proteins gp120 and gp41. Of these, gp41 is a transmembrane protein, and gp120 is surface-bound, connected to gp41 through non-covalent interactions. Inside is a spherical matrix formed by the p17 protein, a conical capsid formed by the p24 protein, which appears as high electron density under an electron microscope. The capsid contains the virus's RNA genome, enzymes (reverse transcriptase, integrase, protease), and other components from the host cell, such as tRNAlys3, which acts as a primer for reverse transcription. The viral surface envelope has increased electron density and visible rod-shaped protrusions. Fragmented, incomplete virions are common, with envelopes losing integrity. The fragmented virus appears as segmented or twisted amongst intact virions.

coding genes The HIV genome consists of two identical positive-strand RNAs, about 9.7 kilobase pairs (kb) in length, wrapped in a viral protein shell. Around the nucleocapsid is a phospholipid bilayer derived from the host cell membrane, including virally encoded membrane proteins. The genome has long terminal repeats at both ends, playing a regulatory role in viral gene integration, expression, and replication. The genome contains three structural genes (gag, pol, and env), two regulatory genes (tat and rev), and four accessory genes (nef, vpr, vpu, and vif). The gag gene codes for core proteins; the env gene for two essential glycoproteins, envelope glycoproteins gp120 and gp41; and the pol gene for essential replication enzymes, including reverse transcriptase, integrase, and viral protease. Due to the lack of proofreading by reverse transcriptase, random mutations occur, with high in-virus replication rates and recombination between viral DNA and host DNA. This leads to drug resistance and makes HIV highly mutable, with the env gene most prone to mutation. HIV-2 and HIV-1 have significant nucleotide sequence differences, only about 40%-50% similarity. Their gene structures are essentially the same, but HIV-2 lacks the vpu gene and has the vpx gene. The predominant strain of HIV in China is HIV-1, with 10 subtypes identified, mainly being the AE and BC recombinants.

Subtypes The virus has two main types: HIV-1 and HIV-2. HIV-1, originating from the Congo Basin region in Africa, is the most prevalent strain worldwide and is responsible for approximately 95% of all HIV infections. HIV-2 is primarily found in West Africa, though it also affects a minority in Europe, India, and the US. HIV-2 is less contagious and takes longer to develop into AIDS. Even though non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (like Nevirapine and Efavirenz) are ineffective against HIV-2, it's essential for those infected with HIV-2 to receive treatment. More information about HIV-2 is available on another page. HIV-1 is further subdivided into four groups; M, N, O, and P, with Group M being the most widespread. Group M is divided into nine subtypes: A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J, and K. A brief overview of the nine HIV genes:

  • gag gene: Encodes for the HIV core protein (p24), capsid protein (p17), and ribonucleotide reductase (p7).
  • pol gene: Encodes the virus reverse transcriptase, RNase H, and protease.
  • env gene: Encodes for the virus's surface proteins (gp120 and gp41), which bind to the host cell's CD4 and co-receptors, facilitating HIV entry.
  • tat gene: Encodes the viral transcription activation protein (Tat), essential for HIV transcription.
  • rev gene: Encodes the post-transcriptional regulatory protein (Rev) crucial for subsequent processes after HIV transcription.
  • vif gene: Encodes for the viral auxiliary factor (Vif), assisting in viral replication within host cells.
  • vpr gene: Encodes the viral protein (Vpr) with multiple roles post-HIV infection.
  • vpu gene: Encodes for the viral protein (Vpu) with various roles post-infection.
  • nef gene: Encodes the viral protein (Nef), which helps the virus evade the host immune system in multiple ways.







艾滋病病毒基因组两端长末端重复序列发挥着调节病毒基因整合、表达和病毒复制的作用。基因组含有3个结构基因gag、pol和env,2个调节基因(tat反式激活因子、rev毒粒蛋白表达调节因子),4个辅助基因(nef负调控因子、vpr病毒蛋白r、vpu病毒蛋白和vif病毒感染因子)。其中gag基因序列编码核壳蛋白;env基因序列编码病毒感染细胞所必须的两种糖蛋白,即包膜糖蛋白gp120和gp41;pol基因序列编码病毒复制所必须的酶,即逆转录酶、结合酶和病毒蛋白酶 。


该病毒有两种主要类型:HIV-1 和 HIV-2。 HIV-1 起源于非洲刚果盆地周围地区,是全球最流行的毒株。它是造成大约 95% 的所有 HIV 感染的原因。
HIV-2 主要在西非发现,尽管它也影响欧洲、印度和美国的少数人。 HIV-2 的传染性较低,需要较长时间才能发展为艾滋病。尽管非核苷类逆转录酶类的抗逆转录病毒药物(例如奈韦拉平和依非韦伦)对 HIV-2 无效,但 HIV-2 感染者接受治疗仍然很重要。另一个页面上有关于 HIV-2 的更多信息。
HIV-1进一步分为四组; M、N、O 和 P。其中,M 组是世界范围内分布最广的。 M组分为九个不同的亚型; A、B、C、D、F、G、H、J 和 K。

pol基因:编码病毒反转录酶(reverse transcriptase)、核糖核酸酶(RNase H)和病毒蛋白酶(protease)。


The Human Immunodeficiency Virus, also known as HIV, is a type of retrovirus that causes defects in the human immune system. This virus attacks and gradually destroys the human immune system, leaving the host unprotected during infection. People who are infected with HIV and later die often succumb to secondary infections or cancer. AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is the final stage of HIV infection.