冠状病毒资源 艾滋病毒资源 流感病毒 hepatitis B hepatitis C EBV HPV HTLV-1 病毒数据库



1. Hemelaar J et al. Global and regional molecular epidemiology of HIV-1, 1990–2015: a systematic review, global survey, and trend analysis.Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19: 143-155, 2019

2. Wu, CB; Guo, XF; (...); Liang, JX. DeepHBV: a deep learning model to predict hepatitis B virus (HBV) integration sites. Jul 7 2021 | BMC ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION 21 (1)

3. Tian, R; Zhou, P; (...); Hu, Z. DeepHPV: a deep learning model to predict human papillomavirus integration sites. Jul 2021 | BRIEFINGS IN BIOINFORMATICS 22 (4)

4. Liang, JX; Cui, ZF; (...); Hu, Z. DeepEBV: a deep learning model to predict Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) integration sites. Oct 15 2021 | May 2021 (在线发表) | BIOINFORMATICS 37 (20) , pp.3405-3411

5. Hu, HL; Xiao, A; (...); Zeng, JY. DeepHINT: understanding HIV-1 integration via deep learning with attention. May 15 2019 | BIOINFORMATICS 35 (10) , pp.1660-1667

6. Xu, HD; Jia, PL and Zhao, ZM. DeepVISP: Deep Learning for Virus Site Integration Prediction and Motif Discovery. May 2021 | Mar 2021 (在线发表) | ADVANCED SCIENCE 8 (9)

7. Li, ZF; Hu, L; (...); Zhao, C Predicting HIV-1 Protease Cleavage Sites With Positive-Unlabeled Learning. Mar 26 2021 | FRONTIERS IN GENETICS 12

8. Singh, D; Sisodia, DS and Singh, P. Compositional framework for multitask learning in the identification of cleavage sites of HIV-1 protease. Feb 2020 | JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL INFORMATICS 102

9. Singh, D; Sisodia, DS and Singh, P. Multiobjective evolutionary-based multi-kernel learner for realizing transfer learning in the prediction of HIV-1 protease cleavage sites. Jul 2020 | Nov 2019 (在线发表) | SOFT COMPUTING 24 (13) , pp.9727-9751


