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Coronavirus related Phylodynamic analysis Antiviral drug design Computer-aided vaccine designn Herd immunity


1. HERD-IMMUNITY - HISTORY, THEORY, PRACTICE(Epidemiologic reviews, 1993)

2. Herd immunity from meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccination in England: database analysis (BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL,2003)

3. "Herd Immunity'': A Rough Guide (CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES, 2011)

4. Herd immunity conferred by killed oral cholera vaccines in Bangladesh: a reanalysis(LANCET, 2005)

5. Herd immunity - estimating the level required to halt the COVID-19 epidemics in affected countries. (The Journal of infection, 2020)

6. Influence of herd immunity in the cyclical nature of arboviruses (Current opinion in virology. 2020)

7. Rethinking herd immunity (NATURE MEDICINE, 2019)

8. Meningococcal vaccines and herd immunity: lessons learned from serogroup C conjugate vaccination programs (EXPERT REVIEW OF VACCINES, 2009)

9. Vaccination and herd immunity: what more do we know? (CURRENT OPINION IN INFECTIOUS DISEASES,2012)

10. Estimating the herd immunity effect of rotavirus vaccine (VACCINE, 2015)

11. Herd immunity and primary immune deficiencies (VACCINE, 2019)

12. Understanding Herd Immunity (TRENDS IN IMMUNOLOGY, 2015)


14. Herd immunity after vaccination: how to quantify it and how to use it to halt disease (Vaccine, 2001)



Herd Immunity

Herd immunity refers to the resistance of populations or livestock groups to infection. A high level of group immunity means that the percentage of animals in the group that are resistant to infection is high. Because, the possibility of epidemic disease depends not only on the number of resistant individuals in the animal group, but also on the frequency of contact between individuals in the animal group. If 70% -80% of the animals in the group are resistant, there will be no large-scale outbreaks.

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