














药物-蛋白质亲和力预测 药物-靶标相互作用预测 药物重定向 分子性质预测 蛋白质-蛋白质亲和力预测
药物代谢 药物毒理学 药物安全 抗原表位预测 药物-药物相互作用预测
基于配体的从头药物设计 基于受体的从头药物设计 药物知识图谱 药物-靶标的分子对接 分子逆合成设计
AI分子生成 抗体药物发现 免疫治疗(含CAR-T) 制药公司论文 AI4Drug-Papers


1 Application of machine learning techniques to the analysis and prediction of drug pharmacokinetics. JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE. 2022
2 A decade of machine learning-based predictive models for human pharmacokinetics: Advances and challenges. DRUG DISCOVERY TODAY. 2022
3 Artificial Intelligence in Drug Safety and Metabolism. Methods in molecular biology. 2022
4 An Integrated Transfer Learning and Multitask Learning Approach for Pharmacokinetic Parameter Prediction. MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS. 2019
5 Machine Learning in Drug Metabolism Study.CURRENT DRUG METABOLISM. 2022
6 Estimation of drug exposure by machine learning based on simulations from published pharmacokinetic models: The example of tacrolimus. PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH. PHARMACOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2021
7 Application of Machine Learning Technology in the Prediction of ADME Related Pharmacokinetic Parameters. CURRENT MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY. 2022
8 Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling. TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 2022
9 Machine Learning and Pharmacometrics for Prediction of Pharmacokinetic Data: Differences, Similarities and Challenges Illustrated with Rifampicin.PHARMACEUTICS. 2022
10 In Silico Prediction of Human Intravenous Pharmacokinetic Parameters with Improved Accuracy. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING. 2019
11 A Hybrid Model Associating Population Pharmacokinetics with Machine Learning: A Case Study with Iohexol Clearance Estimation. CLINICAL PHARMACOKINETICS. 2022
12 Prediction of Oral Pharmacokinetics Using a Combination of In Silico Descriptors and In Vitro ADME Properties. MOLECULAR PHARMACEUTICS. 2021
13 Computational methods and tools to predict cytochrome P450 metabolism for drug discovery. CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN. 2019
14 Deep learning prediction of patient response time course from early data via neural-pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic modelling. NATURE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE. 2021

Long short-term memory recurrent neural network for pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY AND THERAPEUTICS. 2021

16 In silico prediction of UGT-mediated metabolism in drug-like molecules via graph neural network. JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS. 2022
17 In silico approaches and tools for the prediction of drug metabolism and fate: A review. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE. 2019
18 BioTransformer: a comprehensive computational tool for small molecule metabolism prediction and metabolite identification.JOURNAL OF CHEMINFORMATICS. 2019高引用
19 The Metabolic Rainbow: Deep Learning Phase I Metabolism in Five Colors. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL INFORMATION AND MODELING.2020
20 BioTransformer 3.0-a web server for accurately predicting metabolic transformation products.NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2022
21 Prediction of drug metabolites using neural machine translation. CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2021
22 Predicting enzymatic reactions with a molecular transformer.CHEMICAL SCIENCE. 2021 pdf

