The subcellular localization of mRNA reveals the temporal and spatial characteristics of gene expression. We established the DeepmRNALoc model to predict the subcellular localization of mRNA, replacing the traditional experiment which is time-consuming and expensive. DeepmRNALoc is a convolutional neural network coupled with an LSTM recurrent neural network. DeepmRNALoc has good predictive performance in the subcellular localization of eukaryotic mRNA.


Uploading mRNA Sequence File and Performing Prediction

Upload sequence file in fasta format:


Email Address (optional):


Please click here to download the example sequence file in FASTA format.

Predict a sequence for about 0.5 seconds, please be patient to wait for the page to jump.


Tips to use DeepmRNALoc


A user can either upload a sequence file or paste the sequence(s) in the submission page. All sequences must be in the FASTA format . To ensure that every sequence has a unique ID, we will assign an unique ID to each sequence. Special characters (including white space, dot and comma) will be removed from the sequences. However, if a sequence contains illegal letters (e.g., numbers) and non-standandred nucleotide, the sequence will not be processed.


For each job, the first column of result table shows the mRNA ID and second column shows prediction score and last column represent the corresponding location of each sequence.

DeepmRNALoc network architecture


Training and Independent Dataset

March 9, 2022
The datasets used for the development and validation of DeepmRNALoc are available to the users for testing subcellular locations predictions.
Click here

Standalone Tool

March 9, 2022


Shihang Wang

Zhehan Shen

Query and/or Suggestions

For troubleshooting, please read the instructions given in TUTORIAL page. If you still need help, please send email to

Please Cite Us

Wang SH, Shen ZH, DeepmRNALoc: A novel predictor of eukaryotic mRNA subcellular localization based on deep learning.

Latest Updates

March 9th, 2022
This is our first release of mRNALoc V 1.0