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Research information

Zheng Yin first discovered the recombination between the pangolin and the civet coronavirus.

Bioinformatics analysis of bat coronavirus genetic recombination events

Abstract: In order to more comprehensively explore the genetic recombination events occurring between bat coronaviruses and to further understand and explore the animal origin of human coronaviruses, this study used the phylogenetic tree construction function and RDP4 of MEGA-X software in the bioinformatics software package The 7 recombination detection algorithms included in the software phylogenetically developed the entire genome sequence of 19 coronavirus strains with human, bat, pangolin, and civet as the host between 2003 and 2018 Tree construction and genetic recombination testing. The results of gene recombination analysis detected a total of 2 recombinant strains and a total of two recombination events. The two recombinant strains were MG772934 and MG772933, both of which were bat host coronavirus sequences collected in Zhoushan. The recombination area involved The edited fragments of the genome sequence are non-structural proteins, and the reorganization has actually changed the branch of the evolutionary tree where the recombinant strain is located; the parent of a recombination event is the presence of a coronavirus of the same species host in the non-recombinant strain, indicating that the virus may be in the boast In the process of transmission, there are repeated infections or sharing of receptors, but the specific behavior still needs further study. The above results indicate that genetic recombination may change the ability of coronavirus to spread across species and affect the genetic evolution of coronavirus. This shows that the genetic recombination between coronaviruses can promote the emergence of new coronavirus strains.


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We use computing to decode life.

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