Zichao Yan et al. Prediction of mRNA subcellular localization using deep recurrent neural networks. Bioinformatics. 2019.
RNATracker is a deep learning approach to learn mRNA subcellular localization patterns and to infer its outcome. It operates on the cDNA of the longest isoformic protein-coding transcript of a gene with or without its corresponding secondary structure annnotations. The learning targets are fractions/percentage of the transcripts being localized to a fixed set of subcellular compartments of interest.
Chaos Game Representation chaotic dynamical systems (Jeffery 1990), or simply chaos was a physics terminology. The common idea of chaos is lack of order, randomness. Yet, with proper application of maths, chaos can be given form and as such, quantified.
Thus, here comes chaos game, first described by Fractal modeling of real world images, Barnsly, 1988 and presented as a novel method, Chaos Game Representation, to present DNA structure, Chaos game representation of gene structure, H.Joel Jeffrey, 1990
This is a pythonic implementation (alpha stage) of cgr using biopython and matplotlib, to generate a cgr image of DNA fasta file.
Ability to compare two different cgr will eventually be added.
Ability to create cgr of anything other then DNA (e.g protein), is not planned for now. |