About us

Peng Sihua, Ph.D., associate professor, master degree tutor. He graduated from Southeast University, Northeast Dianli University, and Zhejiang University, and received bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctorate degree in engineering, respectively. He has been a lecturer in the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, visiting associate professor in the Department of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, and a research associate in the Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics at Wayne State University School of medicine. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Developmental Biology, College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University. He has successively served as a reviewer for more than 10 SCI journals. He engaged in the research work of bioinformatics, genomics, metagenomics, pathogenic microbiology, and undergraduate and graduate teaching. Recently, he has focused on coronavirus research. He published more than 40 related academic papers, with a total citations of 1000+ times, including three papers of more than 100 citations , and his H index is 16.


Liu Xiaoyu, Shanghai Ocean University, Aquaculture, Class of 2018

Wang Shihang, Shanghai Ocean University, Aquaculture, Class of 2018

Shen Zhehan, Shanghai Ocean University, Computer Science and Technology, Class of 2018

Li Bei, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology, Class of 2018

Yu Zhen, Shanghai Ocean University, Aquarium Science, Class of 2018

Xue Qianwen, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology, Class of 2018

Lin Shengtao, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology, Class of 2019

Wu Jingjing, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology, Class of 2019

Song Yang, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology, Class of 2020

Xu Le, Shanghai Ocean University, Biotechnology,class of 2020


Peng Xiaoning, Professor, Hunan Normal University,

Zeng Xiaomin, Professor, Central South University

Jiang Linhua, Professor, Fudan University

Liu Dong, Associate Professor, Shanghai Ocean University

Li Xiaobo, Professor, Zhejiang Normal University

Yuan Wenliang, Ph.D., Jiaxing College


Yuan Wenliang (PhD student, 2019), Zhang Kehong (Master student, 2018), Huang Yingqi (Master student, 2019), Jiang Lixin (Master student, 2018), Li Lei (Master student, 2019), Zeng Yang (Undergraduate Student, 2013), Dai Guanqin (undergraduate student, 2016), Song Mengting (undergraduate student, 2016), Song Shiying (undergraduate student, 2016), Wang Bingzheng (undergraduate student, 2016), Li Jiaojiao (undergraduate student, 2018),Jingying Zhao(undergraduate student2020),Qian Zhang(undergraduate student, 2020),Xuanyu Xu(undergraduate student, 2020),Yin Zheng (undergraduate student,2020), Sicong Li(undergraduate student,2020), Dan Sun (Master student, 2020), Chaoxu Dai (Master student, 2020), Wei Wei (Master student, 2021), Wang Yuzhi (Undergraduate student, 2021), Sun Hongze (Undergraduate student, 2021)

No. 999 Hucheng Ring Road, Pudong New District, Shanghai, China