About us

Sihua Peng, PhD, Professor. He graduated from Southeast University, Northeast Dianli University, and Zhejiang University, and received bachelor's degree, master's degree, and doctorate degree in engineering, respectively. He has been lecturer in the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, visiting associate professor in the Department of Surgery, Stanford University School of Medicine, research associate in the Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics at Wayne State University School of medicine, associate professor in the College of Fisheries and Life Science, Shanghai Ocean University, and professor in the School of Information Engineering, Huzhou University. He is currently a research staff in the College of Public Health, the University of Georgia. He has served as a reviewer for more than 10 SCI journals. He is engaged in the teaching and research of bioinformatics, deep learning (Deep Learning), genomics, metagenomics, and pathogenic microbiology. He has published more than 40 related academic papers, with a total of more than 1,200 SCI citations, including 3 papers with more than 100 citations, and an H index of 19.


Yang Song, Shanghai Ocean University, Under grabduate student

Xi Yin, Shanghai Ocean University, Under grabduate student


Wenliang Yuan (PhD student, 2019), Kehong Zhang (Master student, 2018), Yingqi Huang (Master student, 2019), Lixin Jiang(Master student, 2018), Lei Li(Master student, 2019), Yang Zeng (Undergraduate Student, 2013), Guanqin Dai (undergraduate student, 2016), Mengting Song (undergraduate student, 2016), Song Shiying (undergraduate student, 2016), Wang Bingzheng (undergraduate student, 2016), Li Jiaojiao (undergraduate student, 2018), Zhao Jingying(undergraduate student2020),Zhang Qian (undergraduate student, 2020),Xuanyu Xu(undergraduate student, 2020),Yin Zheng (undergraduate student,2020), Sicong Li(undergraduate student,2020), Dan Sun (Master student, 2020), Chaoxu Dai (Master student, 2020), Cai Wei (Master student, 2021), Yuzhi Wang (Undergraduate student, 2021), Hongze Sun (Undergraduate student, 2021), Zhen Yu (Undergraduate student, 2022),Le Xu (Undergraduate student, 2022),Shihang Wang (Undergraduate student, 2022), Zhehan Shen (Undergraduate student, 2022), Xiaoyu Liu (Undergraduate student, 2022), Bei Li (Undergraduate student, 2022), Qianwen Xue (Undergraduate student, 2022), Zhen Yu (Undergraduate student, 2022), Jingjing Wu (Undergraduate student, 2023) , and Shengtao Lin (Undergraduate student, 2023).


Our vision

With the dream of exploring nature, we try to find the laws of nature in the palace of science. We firmly believe that artificial intelligence will reconstruct all fields of natural science. This is because the world we live in is nonlinear, and we can address the problem of nonlinear system modeling through deep learning. Therefore, it is our most lofty mission to promote artificial intelligence in various disciplines of scientific research.